Recorder: MATCH-II
Evaluation Method: Rainflow (RF) & Time at Level (TaL)
Channels: Four
Duration: Several months
Purpose: Determination of material load after the occurance of cracks in the body
Special Feature: Extremely rough environment; power supply through dry battery
A long term analysis at a cement mill focused on the monitoring of the temperature difference at two measurement spots and the mechanical tension at the most stressed area of the grinding drum’s structure. The data were recorded according to the Rainflow method, with additional short time histories recorded under control of an external signal trigger. Due to its light weight and little power consumption the MAS MATCH-II box could be battery powered and directly mounted at the rotating elements near the measuring spot. Therefore the use of susceptible and expensive slip rings for telemetry was avoided. The high temperature and dusty environment at the mill has not been a problem for the MAS MATCH-II box after several months in service.