  • Measuring, Analysing, Storing
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Sequential Peaks with Time and Master/Slave Concept

With the method SQTMS the turning points of defined master channels are sequentially taken with time and stored. Additionally the simultaneous values of slave channels which are assigned to this master channel are taken (time correlated to the turning points). Any channel can be defined as master and any other as slave to the master channel. Each master channel can have up to 8 slave channels. Altogether more than 100 slave channels can be defined. A helpful feature is the marker function which can be used to mark special events in the data stream. The programmable amplitude suppression ensures that small signal variations are filtered out.


Typical Applications and Properties of SQTMS

For fatigue life analyses, the stored data are reduced to the essential characteristics of the signal-time function, and the required storage capacity is cut down dramatically (compared to transient mode recording). This also effects the handling of the measurement data which can be easily archived and displayed in a compact manner. SQTMS is best choice for all mid term measurement campaigns where several fatigue relevant signals should be recorded in a time related way.


Die Auswertung von Rainflow, Level Crossing und Range Pair ist auch nachträglich und Offline mit SQTMS möglich.